Plastic pellet pollution is preventable
Once in the environment nurdles (plastic pellets) are almost impossible to clean up so to prevent pollution nurdles need to be controlled at source. |
There are simple measures the plastic industry can implement to prevent plastic pellets polluting the environment, like training staff to using secure packaging. The whole plastic pellet supply chain must take responsibility for stopping pellet loss. Some companies are starting to implement plastic pellet loss prevention measures, but the problem hasn’t gone away and lesigaltion is needed around the world. By raising awareness of this issue, presenting evidence and showing that people care, decision makers in governments and industry start to listen. We want to see a supply chain approach supported by lesigaltion to end pollution and international agreements to secure global change. |

Photo Credit: Virginia M

Photo credit: Suparna M
How the Great Nurdle Hunt Supports Solutions
By taking part in the Nurdle Hunt you are helping to demonstrate the impacts of this pollution on people, wildlife and our environment. Charities, community groups and other NGOs (non governmental organisations) are using the Great Nurdle Hunt to push for change locally, nationally and globally
‘’Children are often the best nurdle hunters, but we want to make sure as they grow up there are no more nurdles reaching our beach and make nurdle hunting a thing of the past. Sorry kids!’
Heather, Scotland
Delivering your results to politicians, artists, scientists and even more people!
Your data, images and stories have appeared in reports to government, briefings to Members of Parliament, submissions to the United Nations and used by researchers, the press and social media influencers. Nurdle hunt data has been used in a court case to demonstrate pollution is widespread and challenge the building of a new plastic plant. Your nurdle finds inspire artwork, museum exhibitions and scientific studies helping to raise awareness and understanding of the issue. |
People Against Pollution
The more people taking part in The Great Nurdle Hunt the greater the pressure becomes for decision makers and industry to act. By taking part you are not only providing data and evidence you are also adding your voice to the calls for ending nurdle pollution.

Photo credit: Rob Arnold
Supporting change around the world
Through the Great Nurdle Hunt Fidra have built links with organisations across the globe who are committed to tackling pellet pollution. Together we
NGOs are sharing resources and expertise on our information hub, in our webinar series and by joining our directory of organisations working to end pellet pollution. If your organisation wants to find out more contact or visit our information hub. |
Initiatives to end pellet pollution
Fidra set up the Great Nurdle Hunt in 2014 to support calls for change in Scotland. Today people are reporting nurdles everywhere from New Zealand to Norway and organisations around the world are calling for solutions including
- A Supply Chain Approach to pellet loss, to make sure pellet handling companies across the full plastics supply chain have standardised, externally verified best practice in place.
- Legislation: new laws and existing laws are being used to fine polluters, prevent pellets and change industry practice.
- International Agreements such as the Global Plastic Treaty and calls for the International Maritime Organisation to change shipping rules to prevent pellet loss at sea.
Over the years Fidra has worked with industry across the UK to promote best practice and develop case studies showcasing industry leadership. We have commissioned research into quantifying pellet loss and investigating the best options for solving this complex supply chain issue. You can access our reports, case studies and resources from organisations around the world on the information hub.