The Great Global Nurdle Hunt 2024

The Great Global Nurdle Hunt is back for 2024!

Save the Date 1st- 30th September 2024 in your diary and get ready to take part in The Great Global Nurdle Hunt and help call for an end to nurdle pollution globally!

The Great Global Nurdle Hunt is our annual citizen science event, which asks organisations, communities and individuals to organise nurdle hunts all around the world to draw attention to this issue and collect a snapshot of data on global plastic pellet pollution. 

The vital data collected by nurdle hunters across the world helps to demonstrate to decision makers the scale of the nurdle pollution issue and call for action to address this major source of global microplastic pollution.  You can now download your Participant Pack for more information and resources to help you take part!

Over the last 10 years over 20,000 volunteers have taken part in The Great Nurdle Hunt

Since Fidra launched the Great Nurdle Hunt in 2013, 20457 dedicated volunteers have completed over 7,144 verified hunts around the world, collecting vital data, photos and stories from communities impacted The millions of nurdles found from Hawaii to Iceland shows the scale of the nurdle pollution problem and is a collective call for more action from industry and policy makers.

Key Findings from 2013-2023

  • 7144 nurdle hunts worldwide
  • Nurdles have been found on every continent, except the Antartica
  • Over the last 10 years volunteers have continuously hunted for over 1 year and 11 months!
  • 73 Countries have participated
  • 395 Organisations have participated

Great Global Nurdle Hunt 2023 Webinar Series

The webinar series to help you hunt for nurdles includes the following webinars:

Available Now


Join our nurdle network

Thank you to the amazing organisations who participate in the hunt, and to everyone who searched and raised awareness about this issue. Your efforts are critical in making this microplastic pollution problem more visible, helping to increase pressure on government and industry to step up and end nurdle loss.

Our growing nurdle network allows organisations to share knowledge and expertise on solutions, bringing us all closer to stopping global nurdle pollution for good. If you would like to learn more about nurdle pollution and solutions visit our Nurdle Information Hub for NGOs and community groups.
