The Great Global Nurdle Hunt is in full swing around the world, and we have received loads of submissions from Scotland to Sri Lanka already. Nurdle hunters are helping us to build a global database of nurdle pollution. But what can nurdle hunts and this evidence achieve?


Nurdle newspiece

Caption: Nurdle finds from our the world as part of The Great Global Nurdle Hunt 2022, photo credits: Clement M Surfrider Europe (France), Mageswari S (Malaysia), Ingrid T (France). 


Nurdle hunts show the petrochemical and plastics industry that further action is needed.

Nurdle pollution is something that is clearly linked to industry. It is not a consumer waste problem. Evidence from nurdle hunting shows that this pollution is prevalent all over the world and industry must step up to implement solutions that ensure zero loss to the environment.


Nurdle hunts show local and national governments that you care.

Governments respond to concerns the public have and use evidence to make policies. It's important to show governments evidence of nurdle pollution, so they can implement policies that make industry change.


The nurdle hunt has helped us create a global far-reaching platform to shout about solutions.

Nurdle pollution is a preventable source of plastic pollution, and there are solutions out there. Building a global network of organisations allows us to share this information and get globally compatible solutions implemented.


Nurdle hunts can help raise awareness of nurdle pollution and plastic pollution.

This helps keep the pressure on governments and industry to force change. Nurdle hunting is also a great way to engage and raise awareness of plastic pollution in your community.


Nurdle hunts can help you document the impacts on your community and the environment.

This can help you build up a picture of your local area to get your local government interested in this issue. This can also help you try to map the source of the pollution directly and see action in a local context.


Nurdle Hunts help us to identify highly contaminated areas where spills are occurring.

This can also help us identify the source of these leaks and the worst offenders in industry. This helps us deliver targeted campaigns to industry who need to step up.


Building a global database of pellet pollution, in turn, can force legislators and corporates to take action. We are campaigning for national and regional legislation which mandates best practice along the plastic supply chain, with monitoring and enforcement to ensure effective measures are in place to prevent pellet loss.

Everyone can get involved in the Great Global Nurdle Hunt to collect evidence and raise awareness of the problem. You have until the 17th October to take part, you'll be playing a crucial role in building our knowledge of nurdle pollution, so thank you!

Please head to our Great Global Nurdle Hunt page to find out how to take part.