Intersessional submissions ahead of INC-3 are open. Submissions relating to elements not discussed in INC-2 and areas of inter-sessional work can now be submitted to inform upcoming INC-3 negotiations.


Following the second round of negotiations for a UN Global Plastics Treaty (known as INC-2), the mandate was given to the secretariat to develop a zero draft ahead of the third round of negotiations taking place in November 2023 (known as INC-3).  Read out past blog here to learn about what happened at INC-2.

The secretariat will take forward options discussed at INC-2 to inform the zero draft of a Global Plastics Treaty. However, following the INC-2 negotiations, the secretariat has invited submissions relating to elements not discussed in INC-2 (e.g. principles, scope of a final treaty) and potential areas of inter-sessional work ahead of INC-3. These submissions will help to inform the INC-3 negotiations, with an extra day added to the start of proceedings to discuss received submissions. Fidra will be submitting a response to highlight the vital need for Plastic pellets (and other plastic feedstocks) to be addressed robustly in a final Global Plastics Treaty. 

If you are an NGO you can find details of the process and how you can submit a response here. You can also learn more about the Global Plastics Treaty on our Information Hub. 


The deadline for submissions from observer organisations is the 15th September 2023. 


To assist in informing your submission, Fidra are excited to announce we will soon be publishing a report mapping the global plastic pellet supply chain and identifying key data gaps. This report will contain information on both global and regional scales, demonstrating the connections throughout the plastics supply chain, including transportation routes, plastic industrial sites and pellet pollution locations. The findings of this report can be used to further assist in submissions for making the case for addressing plastic pellet pollution globally. More information coming soon.